bori kalimbuang,menhir megalithic,toraja sulawesi selatan

"The entire stone menhir here is said to amount to 102 pieces. Consisting of 54 small menhirs, 24 medium and 24 large stones. "Basho explained as he took control of his shock. Thank goodness Basho is friendly. There does not seem to be any anger after I'm jahili. She is very professional.
Rante Kalimbuang is the main area in Bori 'Kalimbuang, Sesean, North Toraja. Rante becomes the place of customary funeral ceremony or Rambu Solo 'which is equipped with menhir-menhir known in Toraja language as stone simbuang. In Tana Toraja actually found many sites such megaliths. In Bori Kalimbuang, menhirs were established in honor of indigenous leaders or noble families who died. Menhir rocks there are aged up to hundreds of years.
Not just to build a menhir. The community must hold a traditional ceremony called Rapasan Sapurandanan. In this ceremony, buffaloes are sacrificed a minimum number of 24 tails. The amount sacrificed actually does not affect the size of the high and large menhirs. Same as the customary value. But now, many people consider the higher and higher established menhirs, the higher the degree of nobility. Probably right. At the high menhirs, I observed the rocks still looked new.
How to set up these menhirs? "I asked Basho. I was curious because there was no connection in the stone. Certainly the stone used as a menhir is a large stone intact large.
Basho recounts his origins. Stone for menhir taken from the mountain, from large stones scattered in Toraja. In the location of this stone origin, the excavation and rock carving are done. Carving can last for days even up to 2 months. Previously, to start carving, slaughter of a buffalo. The pigs are also sacrificed.

After the stone menhirs are carved, then drawn by hundreds of people in the traditional way. Stones are pulled or rolled using tree trunks and ropes of bamboo. This withdrawal process involves residents and anyone who is willing to donate his energy. The process of withdrawal of stone from where it was sculpted to the location of the establishment of menhir takes days or even weeks. Depending on the terrain and distance it passes.
To establish a menhir on the scene, it was done by hundreds of men. Approximately one third of the height of menhir stone is planted in the soil. Leaving only two-thirds towering above the ground. Can be imagined, the process of establishing menhir requires a lot of energy. However, the very nature of Toraja society in fraternity and kinship makes the procession of establishment of menhir easy.
OK. Apart from the menhir, I observed the environment of Rante Kalimbuang. Some buildings bertkon tongkonan seem to be Rante decoration. Ah, this is actually the place of traditional ceremony Rambu Solo '. This means that these buildings have functions with the implementation of the ceremony.
In the middle, between the 'grove' menhir there are several tall buildings. One of them is still new. That is Balakkayan. This place is in the form of a stage to hand out the meat of the slaughtered animal during the Rambu Solo '. Here, the meat divider or known To Mantawa shouted the names of the recipients of the meat. To Mantawa will call according to his social position or his 'Saroan'.
There is also Lakkian on the edge of the menhir complex. Lakkian became the place where the body was buried during the Rambu Solo ceremony. It consists of two levels. The upper part is where the coffin is buried. As for, the bottom as the seat of the bereaved family. The Lakkian was built highest among other buildings located at the Rambu Solo ceremony. This Lakkian should not be torn down. Left alone to collapse by itself.
The other building is Langi ', which is a funeral place. This bridge is Tongkonan roof. Langi 'is usually adorned with ancient coins of Toraja people, carved with various carvings - carvings typical Torajans. Various other ornaments add to Langi 'festivity. In addition there are some Tongkonan buildings on stilts around the menhir area. This place becomes the seat of invited guests when Rambu Solo '. There is an ornament of a buffalo tooth framework that is sacrificed.
Basho then invited me up the trails. Penetrating the grove of trees and bamboo. "The making of this hole, the adat element is still very thick." Clearly Basho. "For example, want to make elbows every angle, need to be sacrificed animals." One hole in Liang Pa 'is belong to one big family. The person entitled to be buried there is the big family of the owner of the hole.
In one of the holes, there are many skulls on display. The impression was mystical. They were piled up like they were scrambling to watch my temperament. Moreover, beside him there are some picture frames complete with sesajinya. Horror. Looks like it's a traditional figure in Bori 'who has just been laid in Liang Pa'. Fortunately, wild bird chirp managed to enliven the atmosphere.
Actually Basho will invite to continue tracing. "There are villages there," he said. However, the increasingly burying afternoon of intentions. We went back to the parking lot. Arriving, I saw a building that looked ransacked across the globe. Far enough, but still visible. What's wrong?
A local old man told me. "The public punishes the landlord for committing a gross violation of adat. The house and yard were ransacked. "Unfortunately I did not get the details of what custom was violated. Our car started to go. But, through the glass, I still look at the damaged house. As my mind wanders. Ah, means Toraja society is very disciplined and firmly upholds the tradition of adat. Now we are starting to enter the forest. Winding.

Suddenly there were two foreign tourists walking by the side of the road. They seem to be exhausted but so sip the delicious atmosphere. "Foreign tourists like to walk, adventure traveling Toraja nature. They usually travel independently, "said Basho.
Out of the forest, we arrived at Sesean. This subdistrict town is so quiet. Afternoon has kept the occupants busy inside the house. But, the tower of the church seemed to towering among the settlements and tongkonan. It reminds me of symbols. Ancestral tradition with 'mainstream' religion can be harmoniously combined in Toraja.
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