exploring bromo, east jawa, indonesia

the location of the mountain bromo not far from the capital of East Java, surabaya. many alternatives to go to bromo, we can pass unfortunate, pasuruan, or even probolinggo. the easiest way munurut me is through probolinggo when we depart from surabaya, in addition to many transport is also the most delicious among the others. if we depart from Surabaya using public transportation to Mount Bromo, the first thing to be aimed at is the bus terminal purabaya or the name of tenarnya bungurasih. well for more details heading to bromo, we just see the route surabaya to mount bromo:

public transport to bromo • terminal purabaya / bungurasih surabaya -> terminal bayu angga probolinggo (bus) • terminal bayu angga -----------> cemoro lawang (angkuatn village, usually car use L300 / bison) private to bromo if you use private vehicle, just follow the route of the city that passed: surabaya, porong, gempol, bangil, pasuruan, probolinggo. before entering probolinggo note the signs of street lighting signs yan bearing probolinggo terminal turn right, then time you slam the steering wheel to the right toward the terminal and just follow the path, approximately one hour you will arrive at the village cemoro dampit. This is where you can park your private vehicle. in cemoro dampit is the last stop, this is where all private vehicles have to stop and there are several options to get to the crater of Mount Bromo, which is a jeep ride, ride a horse and walk, stay on select course when you ride jeep or horse you have to pay more Rp 20.000, - and if you walk you guns need to pay anything what
there is one more interesting place in mountain bromo area, that is pananjakan, pananjakan bromo is place in bromo area very mantab to see sunrise or sunrise, to pananjakan very easy, just ride jeep from cemoro lawang, about one hour you have to bromo pananjakan. cost to mount bromo and pananjakan. • bus surabaya -> probolinggo Rp 20000, - up to Rp30.000, - • transport probolinggo village -> cemoro lawang Rp 20.000, - to Rp 25.000.- • jeep cemoro lawang -> promjakan bromo approximately Rp 35.000, - per person enough easy and cheap enough not to mount bromo, maybe mountain bromo can be your reference of your holiday, and do not forget bring thick jacket, because temperature in bromo mountain very cold. and enjoy the beauty of bromo mountain, an indescribable beauty. (gihs)
link: https://kumpulancerita.net/biaya-transportasi-bromo-pananjakan.html
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